Luha is a small village comes under parbat disctrict with 100 to 120 people.
live in their traditional home which are basically two type some home are very old and rounded in shape and it is locally called "Ghumaute ghar" or "Ghumaune ghar" it's meaning is rounded house and it's shed made by a special dry grass locally called "khar" while some other home are more advance and it's shed are made by spesial hard black rock candle called "Kode dungo" now a days stell sheet take place of "Kode dungo" and "khar" grass
some of them you can see tradition home you can see here
both types of home divide into two part first part is it's flore part and used to common purpose for living and cooking but upper part of a traditional home make it differ from modern home upper part of home locally called "Aati" commonly used as store room to store grains such as rice Wheat and corn maize and other dry food
some traditional domestic articles include"Thumse"used to store littile amount of grains"Jaato", use to make powder of grains"Bhakari" use to store large amount of grains and "Doko".to store and transmit grass , wood, grains, and manythings.
Annapurna mauntaion range from Luha
Pipaltari village from "malami dada"
Some home of my village
Some home of my village
Beautiful Step from Pipaltari village to Luha village
Boy with orange in hands
Boy explan traditional method of making juice
One of the senior old man of my village Mr. Jire saila
Beautitul view of pipaltari village
"Thumse" in "Aati"(store room) use to store grains
Traditional method to store Maize in "Aati"(store room)
Traditional pots used to store pulse for long time
villagers preparation of cooking for Religious Feast
villagers explane Hindus nine goddess's ("Nau Durga") story by song in Nau Durga play
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